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Safety Alert:  Computer use can be monitored and is impossible to completely clear.  If you are in danger, please use a safer computer, call our 24-hour hotline at 618-734-4357.
The Illinois Domestic Violence Helpline is 877-863-6338, &/or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE.

24 Hour Crisis Hotline 618-734-4357

Working Together to End Domestic Violence

Emergency Shelter

Domestic violence is the third leading cause of
homelessness in America.

A Safe Place to Stay

The Violence Prevention Center provides survivors and their dependent children, who are fleeing abusive relationships, temporary shelter.   Admittance can be provided 24-hours a day by calling our Hotline and discussing their situation with our trained staff.  

During their shelter stay, survivors receive support to empower themselves to live free of violence.   Shelter services are designed to meet the basic need of residents and their children along with support for any specialized needs.  While staying at the Emergency Shelter, our staff provide safety planning education, emotional support, crisis intervention and goal planning to help victims begin to rebuild their lives.  

Services Include:

  • Case Management – Specially trained staff provide survivors and their children with domestic violence education and safety planning. A Case Manager is assigned to each client to assist in developing a service plan to meet the immediate needs of their family. The Case Manager assists the client in meeting their individual goals. Ultimately the Case Manager empowers the resident with moving forward to a permanent safe environment.
  • Counseling – Individual and group counseling is available for residents and their children
  • Support Groups – Groups are an important process at the shelter, where residents and their children can share common experiences, fears, and hopes. This enables participants to understand that they are not alone and that they can change their lives for the better.
  • Legal Advocacy – Legal Advocates are available to shelter resident to assist in obtaining Orders of Protection and other rights available to them under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act.
  • Medical Services – A registered nurse provides medical assessments for every shelter resident.
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